Welcoming Dolly 2.0 with a Wrapper and Tests
We're excited to hear about the Dolly 2.0. This sort of open source, openly available, locally runnable LLM is what's necessary to enable enterprise applications.
So, should you use Dolly (e.g., via HuggingFace)? Does it perform better than your other prompts?
This is exactly why we're building PhaseLLM.
Using DollyWrapper in PhaseLLM
Please note: this code also uses PyTorch
and transformers
Note that we were running this on a p3.8xlarge Ubuntu 22.04 EC2 instance.
First, some simple code to show it all works nicely!
from phasellm.llms import DollyWrapper
dw = DollyWrapper()
# Testing chat capability.
messages = [{"role":"user", "content":"What should I eat for lunch today?"}]
dw.complete_chat(messages, 'assistant')
# Run a text completion.
dw.text_completion("The capital of Poland is")
Now, let's use GPT-3.5 to evaluate whether Dolly performs better than Cohere in the travel task in
our README.md.
I've called out the new lines of code with # NEW
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
anthropic_api_key = os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
cohere_api_key = os.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
from phasellm.eval import GPT35Evaluator
# We'll use GPT-3.5 as the evaluator.
e = GPT35Evaluator(openai_api_key)
# Our objective.
objective = "We're building a chatbot to discuss a user's travel preferences and provide advice."
# Chats that have been launched by users.
travel_chat_starts = [
"I'm planning to visit Poland in spring.",
"I'm looking for the cheapest flight to Europe next week.",
"I am trying to decide between Prague and Paris for a 5-day trip",
"I want to visit Europe but can't decide if spring, summer, or fall would be better.",
"I'm unsure I should visit Spain by flying via the UK or via France."
from phasellm.llms import CohereWrapper
from phasellm.llms import DollyWrapper # NEW: importing the DollyWrapper...
dwl = DollyWrapper() # NEW: ... and instantiating it.
cohere_model = CohereWrapper(cohere_api_key)
print("Running test. 1 = Cohere, and 2 = Dolly.")
for tcs in travel_chat_starts:
messages = [{"role":"system", "content":objective},
{"role":"user", "content":tcs}]
response_cohere = cohere_model.complete_chat(messages, "assistant")
response_dw = dw.complete_chat(messages, "assistant") # NEW: minor change to variable name
pref = e.choose(objective, tcs, response_cohere, response_dw)
So, new lines of code and you can rerun everything you did before, but with Dolly 2.0!
Next Steps
We've gotten a lot of great feedback from the NLP and dev community and will be working closely on our framework here.
- Follow us on Twitter to get updates.
- Star or watch this repository.
- We'll be cleaning up the code and adding documentation in the coming days!
As always, email me at w (at) phaseai (dot) com if you have questions or want to collaborate.